"The Healing Kitchen, a guide to liquid diet" is more than a cookbook.  It is a "how to guide" specially written for people who are experiencing the challenge of having to exist on a liquid diet.  It contains specific suggestions for surviving the ordeal of jaw surgery and/or the wiring shut of the mouth due to injury or illness.

On Thanksgiving day, 1988, my eighteen year old son suffered a broken jaw during a soccer game.  In order to stabilize the broken bone, it was necessary for his jaw to be wired shut.  My first thought was, "What is he going to eat?"  I asked the Oral Surgeon if he could provide me with a dietary guide.  He shook his head as he handed me a booklet, saying "This probably won't help much."  The booklet suggested blending your usual meals.  You can imagine how appetizing that was!


 It was not long before I realized that there just were no good books out there to help us through this situation.  It wasn't just the fixing of soups and drinks, there were many other issues to deal with.  I decided that if this was difficult for me ( I am a nurse and also an avid cook) it surely was difficult for many others.  As time went on and I experimented with recipes and dealt with the other problems that a person with a wired jaw faces, I decided to write a book, not just a book, a guide.



About  The Author

Beth Anderson is a Registered Nurse and has studied nutrition. She also ran a catering business and enjoys cooking and baking. Even with a background in nutrition, caring for patients on special diets and operating a catering business, she found that the task of providing nutritious meals in a liquid form to be a real challenge.

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The Healing Kitchen

3077 Hair Lake Rd

Summerville Ga 30747